
Welcome to Mini Mammoth Games!

Our games create communities across the world and help to spread messages in ways that everyone will remember!

Would you like a memorable story?

Welcome to Mini Mammoth Games!

Our games create communities across the world and help to spread messages in ways that everyone will remember!

Would you like a memorable story?

Here at Mini Mammoth Games we create memorable experiences that promote a positive impact in the world, from our corner here in Adelaide. We hope you'll come with us on this exciting journey!

Let's have some fun!

Our Process

Icon of 2 puzzle pieces on the way to connect with each other, there are 'click' affects around them. This represents engaging
High Level Breakdown
Icon of a light bulb, with a brain replacing the inner workings of the bulb, with multiple branches coming of the bulb. This represents the concept of learning
Technical Analysis of the Tools
Icon that is the image of a unicorn. This represents the concept of unique ideas
Concepts, Styles and Aesthetic
Icon of a person standing behind a pedastal, indicating they are in a higher position. This represents Councils (mainly governmental councils). This represents councils
The Executive Summary


We examine and decrypt how to best create engagement for your desired goal. 

This process delivers 3 documents detailing the exact method to build your project. We also provide a comprehensive report to help decision makers divine the best path forward to your audiences heart.


With the outcomes from Discovery, we create your product using our ‘Quality Quickly’ process. This process focuses on rapid prototyping, iteration and target market feedback integration.

Broken into 6 milestones, Mini Mammoth Games will work through building a minimum viable product, iterate to a mechanically complete Alpha, build a content complete Beta and then run the project through a process of polish and Quality Assurance.

Icon of an exclamation mark and explosion squiggles around it. This represents excitment
Engaging Experience
Icon that is the image of a handheld analog stopwatch. This represents the concept of 'quick'
Short Development Time
Icon of a person, this being a circle for head at the top centre, with a rounded square for the body and a star within the body. This represents the concept of experience
Quality Work
Icon with a basic console game controller
Icon with a basic console game controller


Mini Mammoth Games has the tools and processes to put your project into the hands of your customers.


In addition to the quality assurance pass in every development, Mini Mammoth Games will support your project for at least 6 months post release. This allows us to crush unforeseen bugs, amend product breaking corner cases, meet the ever changing needs of launch platforms and improve your products engagement with its audience.

Icon with a cog and an upwards facing arrow. This represents Industry Growth (specifically the video game industry)
Fix Bugs
Icon that is the image of a handheld analog stopwatch. This represents the concept of 'quick'
Short Term Updates
Icon of 2 hands cupping a heart that is floating just above them. This represents charity
Improve Engagment
Icon with a basic console game controller
Accomodate Platform Needs

Featured Games

Roving Rovers
Roving Rovers
Idle Gangs
Bundimal Rush
Ocean Harvest
Critter Capture
Snackwich logo, a mobile game made by Mini Mammoth Games
Chroma Cannon logo, a mobile game made by Mini Mammoth Games
Chroma Cannon
Pressed For Time marketing image, a mobile game made by Mini Mammoth Games
Pressed For Time

What We Do

We create short, fun mobile games within a month, as well as large scale epics built over years. Month long projects allow us to keep up with the ever-changing trends of the mobile games market as well as enabling us to test a multitude of game ideas throughout the year. We can then work on the games that show promising results and interactions from their target audience.

Year-long epic productions come out of this prototyping process, giving us the time and effort needed to polish those fun mechanics into unique experiences and stories for our audience. This ‘test and adjust’ process lets us refine the games we bring into the world and targets our development.

We will work alongside you to develop a custom project that increases engagement. We leverage our experience with interactive media such as games and app to help your audience interact with your work and products more effectively.

It all starts with a Discovery phase where we determine the best way to interact and engage your audience.

Next, in our Development phase, we will create the interactive project we designed alongside you and your company.

We will then publish the product for you and help to get the game out to your audience.We will continue supporting you and the product after publishing to make sure that it works as intended and as effectively as possible.

We design and develop your project with you at every step so that you can focus on putting the care in for your audience. Game development is collaborative, so we provide the expertise and you bring the vision.

We work alongside all of the major South Australian Universities and tertiary education institutes to provide workplace experience for their students.

We take on cohorts from each institute, giving them a chance to engage with our mobile games development process. This lets students experience the complete process of game creation, from ideation through to publishing. 

Students get the opportunity to develop games from scratch and then market them through a publisher. This gives them a chance to explore the industry and see the metrics and analytics used every day by professionals across the globe. They will quickly see the full breadth of development, from documentation and publishing through to marketing and tools management. 

Every institute is different, but we make sure the students come away from Mini Mammoth Games fully equipped to create their own products and release them into the world.


Muswellbrook Shire Council engaged with Mini Mammoth Games to develop a computer game that used our unique characters in a way that helped engage our community around waste reduction messages. We found working with Mini Mammoth Games a great experience. We were able to work with them to develop a unique and engaging game. They delivered the requested product on time and in a professional manner.
Mick Brady
Sustainability Officer

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